
The goal of this newsletter is to create a space for rational inquiry into topics related to transgender, transsexual, and gender dysphoric persons. I’m seeking to create a new, better discourse around trans issues, focused on freedom of thought, charity, and humanism.

In the coming weeks and months, I will begin publishing a series of essays on the state of trans issues and my ideas for how we can improve the larger public conversation about them. If that’s of interest to you, I encourage you to subscribe!

About Me

I’m a 32-year-old trans woman living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. In my day job, I am a software engineer working in cloud computing. I’ve never been published as a writer before, but have enjoyed writing as a hobby for much of my life. I’m also a film buff and enjoy tabletop and video games, and especially talking about them.

If it isn’t obvious, “Marcia Aurelia” is not my legal name, nor the name I was born with, but a nom de plume in homage to Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher of the 2nd century AD. Despite having been written nearly two millennia ago, his philosophy, and in particular his Meditations which are the namesake of this newsletter, have a great resonance in our chaotic modern lives. In my own life, and particularly when I made the weighty decision to undertake my gender transition, I have often been guided by his immortal words:

“There is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you do not use it to free yourself it will be gone and never return.” - Marcus Aurelius

Subscribe to Aurelia's Meditations

Writing about trans issues and other stuff too, when I feel like it.


Techie, film lover, political independent. All opinions are my own.